Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mystery trip-Day 2

Day two of Mom's mystery trip involved the Dane County Farmer's Market.
Its a GREAT farmer's market...all the way around Capitol Square.
We browsed through the booths.
Bought some veggies.
And some cheese.
(Hey, we were in Wisonsin. We HAD TO buy cheese.)

Next on the agenda: a few yarn shops.
And whatever else we saw along the way.
We did hit a few of the eclectic places in downtown.
One of my favorites:
The skirts are inspiring!

We all found yarn...and Sarah found a new friend.
Dinner for today:
It was fun. It was funky. It was delicious.
We didn't have a real lunch, so we were all quite hungry.
We may have wolfed our food a bit.
(Or I'm just using a handy excuse for having no photos.)

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