Friday, May 4, 2012


I always find it amazing.

How this kid can go from crying fit...

To telling a story...

Even if it is a sad story...

In a matter of seconds.

{April 2012}

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cookie experiment...continued

I'm on a continued experimentation

to make cookies


that are chewy

and not flat.

I found this recipie that made such a claim

and followed the instructions.

(I thought)


after I was done

I realized I'd used cornstarch

instead of baking powder.

(This is what happens when one buys in bulk,

uses jars,

and then fails to read the label on the jar.)

They tasted delicious.

But I may have to re-try for the non-flat.

And use baking powder!

{April 2012}

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My nephew, the angler fish

Now, that's something worth angling for!

He's going to get it!
{March 2012}