Friday, May 8, 2009

In Peoria

A couple weeks back, I was in Peoria to see a fabulous friend of mine. (Yes, I said FABULOUS, darling! You know it!) We had fun with the kiddos...and tried to take a few photos.

Sweetie pie of the moment.

This one was a little cranky about photos.
Or maybe he was interrupted while concentrating on chalk art.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


One of my yog-ettes brought this to me today. It made me grin.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Yoga boy

A little warrior.
The ones in the background?
They're critiquing his form.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Aaaahh. Signs of spring.
So pretty.
We planted this Bleeding Heart last year.
It was a last of the season leftover, very bedraggled.
We brought it home, gave it a spot, some water, and some love.
I think its going to make it!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Friends are the best

The first weekend in May was a fun-filled one with these lovely ladies. Hey girls! Lets do this again. And soon.

What is it with Boys and Snakes?

Yes, its cute. And yes, the snakes are just wooden playthings. But, I think these two would do the same with real snakes. They're boys. What else can we say? Maybe if it was a cute, happy-o snake, I would cuddle it with my neck too. Or, maybe not.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Wedding photographer

I have had my second stint as wedding photographer. And the first stint as primary wedding photographer. Hopefully the bride and groom are as pleased with the photos as I was!! We did several locations all around San Francisco. This is one of my favorites, lovingly edited by Kosha.

Heidi and Logan Truman

March 27, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My good friend's wedding

My great friend Heidi is no longer a Jeske. Well, at least she's not in name! As of March 27, she's Heidi Truman. Kosha, myself, and Kerry had a wonderful time catering to Heidi's every whim the couple of days before her wedding.
Now, that's Logan's job.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Down by the River

Waay back in that month called March, my grandpa came to visit. And, I was trying out a friend's camera, trying to decide if I wanted to buy a new camera. And if I did, what brand of new camera I wanted to buy.

This is one of the resulting photos, edited on, as I don't have photoshop. Yet.
My Mom and Dad. Aw.