Friday, August 20, 2010

Iowa skies Part II

The other day as I was in leiu to the 'Loo,
the sky was quite inspiring.
So, without ado,
I photographed the rays a-firing
from the clouds of blue (ish).
The End

Thursday, August 19, 2010

More bunnies!

Look! I have angora bunnies!
(but no bunny müntschis!)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Its soooo sad when your brother gets really cool toys for his birthday.
And you get some toys, too.
But not the really cool ones.
And you really wish your birthdays were on the exact same day.
And then your auntie takes photos of you being sadfaced.
So that one day, you may look at them.
And laugh.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cool do's

Uhhh. Yeah. It got a little late at my sister's house one night.
And the hair got a little out of control.
Are we children of the 80's?
Or what?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Big ol' bunny

The new bunnies inspired the guys to get out their big ol' bunny.
I think this one is Snuff.
Muff was Snuff's of them has been history for awhile.
This bunny usually hangs out in its hutch,
but it was fairly calm when E1 brought it inside this fine day.
He's really pretty too...and super soft, even though he's NOT Angora!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Spider boy

Showing me his climbing skills.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Remote Control Plane

My dad got a new toy.
Its a super lightweight remote controlled plane.
He's working on perfecting his skills.
But sudden gusts of wind tend to be a small problem.
Its ended up in a tree a time or two (or ten.)
Off into the sunset it goes....

Friday, August 13, 2010

ooooooooh---Tarzan boys

I learned that these guys can swing on the willow tree in their side yard.
They wanted me to take videos of them, but we settled for a series of photos.
Its all very technical.
You must be sure you have a large enough handful of branches, you see.
Enough so they don't break under your weight.
But not so many that your hands slip off as you're swinging.
THAT would be swinging fail.
Looks like nephew #2 is a little scrawnier than #1.
(His handful of branches is pretty slim!)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


My sister got her boys (or herself!) some Angora bunnies.
This is Fluffy.
He's appropriately named.
But he reminds me of a vampire bunny.

This one is Sheila.
(Shown off by Janine.)
They're both cuddly bunnies...and super cute!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Billy Elliot!

Every once in a while,
I listen to the must-see raves.

Especially when it involves an outing with this group.
Thanks for a great weekend, peoples!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We decided to enjoy a break in the rain
and have a picnic on the steps at Trinity College.

A break from chips!!!

But, Alas, it rained on our picnic.
This is during the sprinkle.
Which became a deluge.
We did find cover, and waited it out.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Feet on cobblestone

Sunday, August 8, 2010

In Ruins

Found the remains of a church whilst
wandering around a town.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Celtic Cross

We saw some of these in town squares,
but they were rather hard to photograph from the moving car.
So I found a nice quite graveyard.
It fascinated me for quite some time one morning.
While everyone else was wisely sleeping.

Friday, August 6, 2010


We were quite excited to see a shepherd,
his dog,
And his sheep.
All moving across the field.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Girls in Ireland

Sheri S, Sherri H, Kerry S and I.
Howth, Ireland.
July 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Yep, Finally. Some Ireland photos.
This one is my favorite. It pretty much IS Irish countryside.
Green. Sheep. Rock fences.