Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I learned something new whilst in California.

Yes, sometimes I do take time to read the signs.
And to enjoy the nature-created art.
These little hollows?
They're called tafoni.

{California, January 2012}

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Lately, I've been having buckwheat for breakfast.

With lots o' stuff on top.

Good stuff.

Like pecans.

Homeade granola.

Dried cranberries.

For some reason, these toppings on buckwheat need sugar.

At least for my tastebuds.

And on oatmeal, they don't.

Any insights?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Normal Christmas activity?

This is interesting. Why is mommy being duct-taped?

Figuring out a plan of coverage.

Mommy's a robot!

Can I be trusted with scissors?

I think she was very scared!

But, the finished product had no bloodstains.

What is it?, you may ask.

"A truly body-shaped dress form," would be my answer.

{December 2011}

Monday, February 20, 2012

Gingerbread beings

Inspired decorator.

Bored decorator.

Goofy decorator.

Disturbed decorator.


Why yes, that IS a sasquatch, thank you very much.

And yes, he does have extra chest hair.

No normal gingerbread people for us.

{December 2011}

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What will this be?

Awww...looks like its time for decorating gingerbread men.

How cute!

(to be continued tomorrow....)

{December 2011}

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Brat cat

This feline.

She's part of the reason

the quilt my mom made me

has some REALLLY faded blue squares.

But even if she is a brat,

she's still loved.

December 2011

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We have another knitter.

Imagine my surprise when nephew #1 told me he wanted to learn to knit.

I taught him.

He picked it right up.

And he stole my knitting-in-the-car headlamp, the bugger.

He wanted to get this washcloth done quick so his mom could use it.

I will say...he finished it.

I would also like to add it was a hair short of being as large as my sister's hand.

But I'm sure she'll treasure it.

And use it, too.

December 2011

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Puerto Rico-truly rich

Hiking (and swimming) at El Yunque.

Boating in the bio bay.

Exploring Old San Juan.

Being privy to beautiful hidden beaches.

Is all best when enjoyed with fellow techno-nerds.

Even if they do have you beat on the techno part.

{December 2011}

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thanksgiving in Lena

The crew!

{Thanksgiving 2011}