Saturday, November 10, 2012

Artistic raking

One really MUST
have fun while raking leaves, right?
I did feel kind of nerdy
when I took a photo of it, though.
{29 October 2012}

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kayak Jax

 One fine
(but slightly chilly)
morning, five women headed out
on a fall kayaking adventure.
 After a few close encounters with
slippery gravel
excess layers
fall colors
cool water splashes
flying goldfish
sandhill cranes
dead deer
 the trip came to an end.
Kayak Jax was a fine planner once again.
I vote her hired!
{October 2012}

Monday, November 5, 2012

Orchid enjoyment

The newest addition to the collection.
And its even orchid-hued.
{September 2012}

Thursday, November 1, 2012


If you look closely,
you'll be able to tell that this photo was taken
awhile ago.
Believe it or not, though,
it was just one month ago...
that the trees were this leafy.
And green.
The photo was taken to show how much
greenery came off the
flower (my dad called it a bush!) on the left.
It WAS as big as the one on the right.
Check out how full the wheelbarrow is.
Ah well, the outdoors entertains me well.
{September 2012}