Friday, August 31, 2012


Mex, Karmex and I did a little caching on our IL hike.
The first cache was a multi-cache to look at small IL cemeteries.
And figure out hints.
We skipped the rest of the cemeteries, but had an interesting time looking around the first one.
After that, we found some genuine caches.
And saw some interesting scenery along the way.
This one was a little difficult to find.
I almost fell into the mine.
I may have squealed when I DID find it!
Earth cache.
And..someday I need to learn to log these caches right after I find them!

{28 July 2012}


Lisa Wallace said...

Looks like a good day to me!! To log caches, you just go to the website and scroll to the cache and then click "log find". You can also log if you weren't able to find one...this helps the owner know if it has possibly been compromised or moved.

bschmert said...

heheh! Thanks for the tutorial! I just get lazypants after I've been geocaching. I wonder if I can find the ones we did locate on my to try!

Mel B Marvis said...

KarmX looks almost horror-movie-ish in that one picture. :-)