Saturday, June 30, 2012

'Becky' yarn

One thing I love about living in a small town
is getting to meet some of
the most interesting people.
This yarn was dyed
and spun
by a lady in a neighboring town.
She brought color samples into
let us pick our colors,
and a couple short weeks later,
this beautiful yarn arrived.

Plus, most of the fiber
(sheep, llama, alpaca)
is locally grown.
We applaud you, Abi!

Check out her website at

{June 2012}

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh, deer.

The deer had a nice time
using my garden as a salad bar
one night.
I have now learned of the power of
putrescent egg solids
in the form of
Liquid Fence.

{31 May 2012}

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Little projects

I've been trying to use my evenings wisely lately.
By doing some of those
that tend to pile up
and then take
to finish.
Mending was one of them.
One of my least favorite.
And most procrastinated.
But, its done.
Until something else gets a hole.
Or needs to be re-hemmed.

{June 2012}

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Seeing the aunties..and cousins

There's been lots going on with the aunties and cousins
on my mom's side of the family.
We got to see them recently, so I had to take some photographic evidence.
 First of all, this little guy was born.
He's my cousin's first.
And she's an only child.
So grandma is kind of excited!

 Next, my aunt and her fiancee finished their hut in the woods.
Well, nearly finished.
At least the upstairs is livable!
Last time I was there, there were snowflakes on the floorboards.
Oh. And they got married June 1.
Said aunt's first son graduated in May.
I got to make him laugh so he'd actually smile for some
senior portraits.
He's off to camp this summer.
National Guard style.
We wish him happiness and prosperity.

{May 2012}

Saturday, June 23, 2012

S'Wallace Wedding

This may be my favorite picture from
Mike and Lisa's wedding.
Mike and Lisa:
grinning like happy chickens.
Everyone else:
being silly-faced.
Its all quite remarkable.
And I post this in remembrance of the lunaversary!


Friday, June 22, 2012


Say it.
Three times, fast!
Nephew #1 is taking piano lessons.
He plays gladly when asked, so far.
And memorizes his tunes well.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day at the couch

So, we live near a town called Davenport.
And we went there one Saturday to wander around.
I asked the squids to mimic this face.
The reactions were....interesting.

We wandered around the park for awhile
whilst waiting for the circus.
Turns out, watching the elephants BEFORE the circus
was almost more entertaining than the circus itself!
{May 2012}

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wildlife in the lilacs.

Come on!
You know you thought it.
But its not what you thought...
its only some pretty bugs!
 and Hummingbird Moth...
sipping nectar
And with its proboscus curled.
Sooo neat!
{May 2012}

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The promise in the bow

The weekend before
Mike and Lisa's wedding
was a little rainy.
It even rained on our picnic!
But the rainbows were beautiful.
Yes, it was a double!
Check the upper left
for the second,
much fainter

{26 May 2012}

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Scratch cupcakery

All I can say is: LUNCH!
This deliciousness brought to you by
Salty Dog style.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Conversation with a goose

A lovely trip to
in Rockford.
 In which le Kiwi speaks to a goose. Nicely.
 And we see lovely dogwoods.
 Cascading water.
 Pose with our momma.
And contemplate the possiblity of adding water features to our own gardens.

{May 2012}

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I recieved a new camera lens recently.
And had fun playing with it a bit.
Before using it for its real purpose.

{April 2012}