Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

Maybe I should have labeled this as "Mystery Hobby no. 3".
Would you have guessed it right away?
I think so...its SO easy!
But, this is involved with no. 2, so I'll just leave it here.
You see, with any hobby, one must needs set time aside to contemplate the progress of the project and the miniscule adjustments which will make the finished product a masterpeice.
So, with that aside time, a snack involving chocolate is needful.
Necessary, even.
Doesn't chocolate get the juices flowing?
(And no, I don't mean just saliva. How could you think such a thing?)
Too bad these are almost gone!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

Wise man say: no chew on this stuff.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

Its another tool.
I have a few tools.
I said tool.
If you look really close, you'll see a little wheel on the end of this device.
Its a carbide blade.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

Yes, pliers.
But, they're extra special ones.
I promise.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

Useful little gadget, this one is.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

This goes along with the power tool.
Using this stuff may well be my favorite part of this hobby, which would lead one to believe that I like one of the possible assembly methods better than the other.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

This tool is very versitile.
And well-used.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

(check it out...its a power tool.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

Don't look too close at this picture.
If you do, it will give you a large clue as to what this mystery hobby is.
So, if you want to cheat, look.
If you aren't a cheater, scroll to the last photo.
This stuff stinks.
And you should inhale as little as possible.
And...remember, it could be dangerous.
So don't swallow it.
Or dump it in your eyes.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

This is a convenient little gadget.

It holds some of the other tools I use for this hobby.

The box called it a soldering station.
I guess that pretty much says it all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

This is the first tool of the trade.

It is used for keeping the area in which I am working clean.

Yes, its a little mini broom and dustpan.

I think its cute.

And I use it. A lot. It keeps my fingers and hands happy.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mystery hobby no. 2

I have a toolbox.
It is large. It is black. And it harbors some very specialized equipment.
Maybe I should just leave the contents a mystery.

It is a little mysterious looking, no?
Oooooh, okay, I'll open it up for ya.

Whoa! Look at all that mess. Stay tuned for what its all about....

Friday, November 14, 2008


My dad bought these gloves in a huge pack. They're really pretty, al multicolored. So pretty, in fact, that I'm thinking of stealing some and knitting some socks out of them. But that isn't the point of my story. See how these gloves are all laid out by color? Some have stacks, some only have one in the pile, some are a pair? Well, they have to match when you use them to do messy stuff in the garage, you see. M-kay?? I love my dad!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A New Sport

I'm pretty sure I haven't seen this one played before.
And this guy is serious about his games.
Well, maybe you have to be with a ball as big as you are.

They play it well.
And, they crack me up.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Does this cat look like she's being berated?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


These guys take great delight in bubbles.

They like to inhale them.
And devour them.
That's why they make HUGE piles of bubbles at every opportunity.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Burlington, Iowa

A couple of weeks ago our after-meeting lunch group ventured to downtown Burlington for a meal at Martinis. This was the view out the window. Who of you knew that Burlington, Iowa had such a striking bridge?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hay is for horses.

Meet my colt.

He apparantly thinks this is his good side.
Oh, so NOW he's going to be friendly.

But wait, what is that which lurks in the shadows of yonder cave?

He rears up to scare it away, showing razor-sharp hooves of

I don't think he scared it. What will happen next?

Mystery hobby no. 1

WHAT is this?

Hm. I see a road. And the letter 'R'.
There's a 'q', wonder where the 'p' went? Oh, to the toilet? I see.

'K' is for........
A tool of the trade.

So, what am I doing here?? Find out in a later episode.

Maybe MUCH later

Monday, November 3, 2008


I missed a day. I'm so ashamed.

Uhm..Lets make that a week.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Sound it out. I think we should all start writing like this. It would be difficult. Entertaining. Time consuming.
Where in the world did this come from?