Friday, March 18, 2011

Funnies for Nano

My nephews like to put things in funny places.

They know it cracks their gramma up.

And they usually tell me about it so I can watch her reaction.

Snowman sculptures!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The craeation of chocolate fondue causes a bit...
just a little bit...
of excitement in our household.

And the dipping begins.
Schlurp Schlurp yumyum.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Girls' weekends 2011 {part 2}

Late February:

Time for girls' weekend in Iowa!

It all started with a little fondue.

Progressed to a little yoga..

Followed by a little shopping,


and general downtime.

And on to the big draw for the weekend...


And finally...dinner at a new restaurant.

What a fabulous group of gals.
Thanks for coming my way, ladies!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Guess where?

Yep, I just got back from a trip.

Take a gander.

And then a guess...

Where was I?